• J. Gabbard and W. M. van Rees, “Lattice Green’s Functions for High-Order Finite Difference Stencils ,” SIAM Journal on Numerical Analysis , vol. 62, iss. 1, pp. 25-47, 2024.
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  • J. Gabbard and W. M. van Rees, “A high-order finite difference method for moving immersed domain boundaries and material interfaces ,” Journal of Computational Physics , vol. 507, p. 112979, 2024.
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  • L. Ji and W. M. van Rees, “Vortex bursting and associated twist dynamics on helical vortex tubes and vortex rings ,” Journal of Fluid Mechanics , vol. 986, p. A34, 2024.
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  • N. A. Wukie, K. Fidkowski, P. Persson, T. R. Fujimoto, Z. J. Wang, J. Gabbard, and W. M. van Rees, “High-Fidelity CFD Verification Workshop 2024: Post-Workshop Mesh Motion Summary ,” , 2024.
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  • W. M. van Rees, “Effect of curvature variations on the hydrodynamic performance of heaving and pitching foils ,” Theoretical and Computational Fluid Dynamics , 2024.
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  • H. Karbasian and W. M. van Rees, “A Deep-Learning Surrogate Model Approach for Optimization of Morphing Airfoils,” in AIAA SCITECH 2023 Forum, , 2023.
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  • J. Gabbard and W. M. van Rees, “A High-Order 3D Immersed Interface Finite Difference Method for the Advection-Diffusion Equation,” in AIAA SCITECH 2023 Forum, , 2023.
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  • X. Ji, J. Gabbard, and W. M. van Rees, “A sharp immersed method for 2D flow-body interactions using the vorticity-velocity Navier-Stokes equations ,” Journal of Computational Physics , vol. 494, p. 112513, 2023.
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  • J. M. Morales Ferrer, R. E. Sánchez Cruz, S. Caplan, W. M. van Rees, and W. J. Boley, “Multiscale Heterogeneous Polymer Composites for High Stiffness 4D Printed Electrically Controllable Multifunctional Structures ,” Advanced Materials , p. 2307858, 2023.
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  • L. Ji and W. M. van Rees, “Bursting on a vortex tube with initial axial core-size perturbations ,” Physical Review Fluids , vol. 7, p. 44704, 2022.
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  • J. Gabbard, T. Gillis, P. Chatelain, and W. M. van Rees, “An immersed interface method for the 2D vorticity-velocity Navier-Stokes equations with multiple bodies ,” Journal of Computational Physics , vol. 464, p. 111339, 2022.
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  • T. Gillis and W. M. van Rees, “MURPHY–-A Scalable Multiresolution Framework for Scientific Computing on 3D Block-Structured Collocated Grids ,” SIAM Journal on Scientific Computing , vol. 44, iss. 5, p. C367–C398, 2022.
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  • V. Sushitskii, W. M. van Rees, M. Levesque, and F. P. Gosselin, “Determination of Optimal Shot Peen Forming Patterns Using the Theory of Non-Euclidean Plates ,” Journal of Manufacturing Science and Engineering , vol. 145, iss. 3, 2022.
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  • G. K. Cuddalorepatta, W. M. van Rees, L. Han, D. Pantuso, L. Mahadevan, and J. J. Vlassak, “Poisson’s ratio and residual strain of freestanding ultra-thin films ,” Journal of the Mechanics and Physics of Solids , vol. 137, p. 103821, 2020.
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  • S. Mishra, W. M. van Rees, and L. Mahadevan, “Coordinated crawling via reinforcement learning ,” Journal of The Royal Society Interface , vol. 17, iss. 169, p. 20200198, 2020.
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  • E. Virot, V. Spandan, L. Niu, W. M. van Rees, and L. Mahadevan, “Elastohydrodynamic Scaling Law for Heart Rates ,” Physical Review Letters , vol. 125, iss. 5, 2020.
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  • L. Ji and W. M. van Rees, “Locomotion of a rotating cylinder pair with periodic gaits at low Reynolds numbers ,” Physics of Fluids , vol. 32, iss. 10, p. 103102, 2020.
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  • W. M. van Rees, “Vortex bursting ,” Physical Review Fluids , vol. 5, p. 110504, 2020.
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  • W. J. Boley*, W. M. van Rees*, C. Lissandrello, M. N. Horenstein, R. L. Truby, A. Kotikian, J. A. Lewis, and L. Mahadevan, “Shape-shifting structured lattices via multimaterial 4D printing ,” Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences , 2019.
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  • W. M. van Rees, E. A. Matsumoto, A. S. Gladman, J. A. Lewis, and L. Mahadevan, “Mechanics of biomimetic 4D printed structures ,” Soft Matter , vol. 14, iss. 43, p. 8771–8779, 2018.
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  • H. -Y. Chen, A. Sastry, W. M. van Rees, and E. Vouga, “Physical simulation of environmentally induced thin shell deformation ,” ACM Transactions on Graphics , vol. 37, iss. 4, p. 1–13, 2018.
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  • M. Scheeler, W. M. van Rees, H. Kedia, D. Kleckner, and W. T. M. Irvine, “Complete measurement of helicity and its dynamics in vortex tubes ,” Science , vol. 357, p. 487–491, 2017.
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  • W. M. van Rees, E. Vouga, and L. Mahadevan, “Growth patterns for shape-shifting elastic bilayers ,” Proceedings of the National academy of Sciences of the United States of America , 2017.
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  • G. Novati, S. Verma, D. Alexeev, D. Rossinelli, W. M. van Rees, and P. Koumoutsakos, “Synchronisation through learning for two self- propelled swimmers ,” Bioinspiration & Biomimetics , vol. 12, iss. 3, p. 36001, 2017.
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  • W. M. van Rees, M. Gazzola, and P. Koumoutsakos, “Optimal morphokinematics for undulatory swimmers at intermediate Reynolds numbers ,” Journal of Fluid Mechanics , vol. 775, p. 178–188, 2015.
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  • D. Rossinelli, B. Hejazialhosseini, W. M. van Rees, M. Gazzola, M. Bergdorf, and P. Koumoutsakos, “MRAG-I2D: Multi-resolution adapted grids for remeshed vortex methods on multicore architectures ,” Journal of Computational Physics , vol. 288, p. 1–18, 2015.
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  • W. M. van Rees, G. Novati, and P. Koumoutsakos, “Self-propulsion of a counter-rotating cylinder pair in a viscous fluid ,” Physics of Fluids , vol. 27, iss. 6, p. 63102, 2015.
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  • F. Huhn, W. M. van Rees, M. Gazzola, D. Rossinelli, G. Haller, and P. Koumoutsakos, “Quantitative flow analysis of swimming dynamics with coherent Lagrangian vortices ,” Chaos , vol. 25, iss. 8, p. 87405, 2015.
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  • W. M. van Rees, D. Rossinelli, P. Hadjidoukas, and P. Koumoutsakos, “High performance CPU/GPU multiresolution Poisson solver,” in Parallel Computing: Accelerating Computational Science and Engineering (CSE), 2014, p. 481–490.
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  • W. M. van Rees, “3D simulations of vortex dynamics and biolocomotion,” PhD Thesis, 2014.
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  • M. Gazzola, P. Chatelain, W. M. van Rees, and P. Koumoutsakos, “Simulations of single and multiple swimmers with non-divergence free deforming geometries ,” Journal of Computational Physics , vol. 230, iss. 19, p. 7093–7114, 2011.
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  • W. M. van Rees, A. Leonard, D. I. Pullin, and P. Koumoutsakos, “A comparison of vortex and pseudo-spectral methods for the simulation of periodic vortical flows at high Reynolds numbers ,” Journal of Computational Physics , vol. 230, iss. 8, p. 2794–2805, 2011.
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